The Mobile Work Order product takes the Emphasys Elite Work Order module into the field where real time work is completed on the scheduled property. The app provides adequate tracking and controlling of work orders to ensure timeliness of completion while providing the worker with a daily schedule, property information, tasks, and inventory. The Mobile Work Order helps Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) complete both emergency and routine work orders to safeguard that residents are living in a safe residence. The onsite worker will be able to capture before and after photos for the permanent record which can be easily retrieved from Emphasys Elite. The app comes equipped with digital signature capability to be completed by the worker and the resident when the work is completed. While in the field, no wireless connection is required because the data collected is stored for syncing later. The data captured within the app is automatically synced, when connected via the internet, to Emphasys Elite for processing.**Emphasys clients wishing to use this app, please contact your Account Manager who can help you get setup**